Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2014

In Like a Lion, Out Like A..........

As most mid-westerners know, this winter has been a real bear.  Over the course of the winter, the cold has driven 2 possums, many feral cats, and more recently a skunk into the barn.  The blue jay family warmed themselves under the dryer vent, and the baby doe I stumbled upon in the thicket near the garden this winter are all indications that this will be a winter to be remembered for years to come.  What would the fox say? (I know, terrible joke, but I bet the song will be running through your head for hours to come)  I love poking the proverbial nest.

This weekend I got out of the house for the first time in months....I met 2 of my favorite art peeps Gloria Moses from Chicago, and Trish Lyons Ansert from Louisville in Toledo for a 1 day pastel class at the Toledo Botanical Gardens, hosted by the Toledo Artists Club with pastel Artist Mary Jane Erard. When I saw the posting on facebook for her class, I knew I had to attend.  (No, I am not a pastel artist, I've never painted with pastels, but have given it a few pathetic attempts in the past, only to end up with blurry mud, but I was drawn to her clean colors and very defined lines, brilliant landscapes,and more importantly, it very closely matched the look I've been experimenting with recently in glass.  (more on this later)  I needed a diversion from the experimentation and intense (almost studious) things I've been doing in the lab, (oops, I mean studio) for the past few months.  I've ordered more things that end with "ate" and "ide", complete with health warnings, and use alpha numeric name that rivals my college chemistry course (that I failed).

Mary Jane's course was a perfect respite from the worst winter I've seen in my life (and this is coming from a true Yankee; a New England native who remembers studded winter tires, mile long treks up the mountain with laundry and groceries after the car got stuck at the bottom, and snow until the end of April)

Mary Jane's subject matter, her sunny disposition, well laid out examples and materials and a day in beautiful Toledo Botanical Gardens, albeit frozen, were just the re-charge I needed to feel inspired.  I plan on taking next months class (unless I have a track meet to attend) and many more in the future.  Please let me know if you want to join me!

Here's a bit more news on what I've been up to.  If you are not a glass artist you will likely just want to skip the rest, lest your eyes glaze over in boredom.

As a glass artist, turned oil painter, turned glass-oil painter, I have striven to find the exact medium that fits what I want to accomplish in my creative endeavor.  I have been experimenting with "painting" on glass for years, but after trying nearly all available commercially made materials and or enamels made to paint on glass (and fire to fusing temperature)(not oven temp paints) I have given up on the idea that there exists a product that encompasses not just my goals but the palette and quality that I seek.  Realizing this, I began the painstaking process of breaking down the elements and properties of glass (90 coe for simplicity).  In the process I've stumbled upon many an artist that "paints" in glass.  The stained glass artists paint, but not in the way I would like to paint.  Frit painters "paint", but that is layering and sifting.  Yes it results in a painterly look and effect, but its not painting like one would paint with a brush.  Sgrafitto is more drawing and likened to printmaking.  I went through all of the above techniques, but in all of them, I am forced to think like a glass artist first, not a painter.  I am a painter.  I want the freedom to paint instinctively with a brush and a single stroke, on an easel, on glass, with paint that will fire to fusing temperatures and achieve the look I seek, as a glass artist and oil painter.  Perhaps I am asking too much, but I don't think I am.  This quest has led me to more college science department websites than art sites.  I've learned much, but there is much more to learn.  While I experiment and make mistakes, I am learning.  Every mistake is costly, but I learn something from it.    I will post some trials and errors soon for those interested.  For now, I am happy for the return of my easel's long winter visit in Kentucky, and the generosity and trust of a friend who allowed me a "payment plan" to purchase a much larger kiln to explore my dreams......stay tuned....

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chance of a Lifetime and Catching up again.....

12x16 oil on panel "Birches Revisited" $150 click HERE to buy

6x6 oil on panel "Cedar Point Marina" Click HERE to bid.  Starts at $20

"Not all Roses are Red" 5x7 oil on panel Click HERE to bid.

As always I'm playing catch up with my blog, but I'm starting to be ok with that.  Perhaps you all don't want to hear from me everyday anyway eh?  Here are a few of my latest paintings, just kind of plodding along with subject matter and getting through the winter blues.  

I also have a link to share for a friend and fellow artist.  She rec'd an offer that would could be likened to a painter getting the opportunity to study with Van Gogh or Monet. A chance of a lifetime, if you will.  However, in order to accomplish this she has to raise the traveling costs herself.  Click HERE to read the story/fundraising campaign if you are interested.  Kelly Alge she has been a great mentor to me and has taught me everything I know about glass work art, and is just a great person all around.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Off for the Weekend

Hay Rolls 11x14 on panel $150 click HERE to buy

5x7 oil on panel click HERE to bid

5x7 oil on panel click HERE to bid

Well, I'll be "off" from painting for the weekend so I'll be spending today trying to get ahead or else I'll come back and race to the finish of the 30 day challenge.  I feel pretty good about it so far, and overall am happy with my paintings with a few obvious exceptions ;)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Plein Air Crash

Little Red Schoolhouse 12x16 oil on canvas 
To bid click HERE

"Bobcat" Oil on Panel 8x10

"Plein Air Crash" 6x8 oil on linen 

Summers are always so busy and crazy and this one is no exception so I've decided not to put too much pressure on myself to blog as often as I'd like and maybe during the summer months, share updates weekly.  I've been working on my new skills I learned at Kyle Martin's workshop and I'm really learning how to see value and color temperature.  On of Kyle's bits of advice were to stop looking around for pretty pictures and look for good design and contrast.  So you will see that some of my subjects are a bit ordinary but It allows me to focus entirely on learning about value while painting plein air....the one of a farm scene had a bit of an "accident" after my easel tipped over under very suspicious circumstances since there was not even a hint of a breeze...hmmm one wonders one wonders....Anyway, I kind of like the effect of the accident.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sunny Days and Blooms

6x6 oil on Panel 
Bidding Starts at $40 click HERE to bid

It's 88 and sunny here in Ohio, just 5 days after 40 degree temps but I'm not complaining!  The irises are blooming so I have a feeling you will see several Iris paintings in the near future, and I just planted some Dahlias, sunflowers, and poppies! Anenomes tomorrow!...I'm on a flower roll I think......This is the last of the photo refs from the workshop, I think I can safely take my own now....

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

3 In One Blow!

6x6 oil on panel $50
To buy click here

6x6 oil on panel $50
To Buy click here

6x6 oil on panel Bidding starts at $40
To Bid click HERE 

It seems like forever since I've painted when it's actually only been two weeks, but my head hasn't been in it since my boy left for boot camp, and now that it's over I'm BACK!  I have lots of catching up to do as I have several outdoor shows this summer and fall.  I decided to pick up where I left of after Dreama's workshop.  Our final exercise was musical easels and I decided that when I got home from the workshop I would try it out on my own using some of the photos she provided for the exercise.  I did each painting about 5 or so minutes at a time and then moved on to the next one rotating until they were all complete!  It was fun, and it helped to keep me from overworking each one.   I took a break between each pass of the three and was able to see where I needed corrections.....Now I have 3 little lovelies waiting for a new home.  Perfect Mother's Day gift!   Here's my son and I after his Pass in Review, he is now on his way to Pensacola, FL for more training.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sunny Days

8x10 oil on panel click here to bid/buy (bidding starts at $30)

This week started out great, I finally feel like I am back to my old self again.  Hard to believe it's only been a week since my son started bootcamp, but after the week of my pity party, I decided to pull myself out of it and get back to business!  I started walking everyday too, and it helps quite a bit, especially since we're having gorgeous spring weather.  I'm back to flowers again until I finish my goal of ten, but I may do a DPW challenge in between since these weeks challenge is painting donuts and I've always wanted to paint a jelly donut.   

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dude on the Beach

6x6 oil on panel Click to purchase $50
How it might looked framed: Pictured is a Randy Higbee frame from King of Frame

I painted this a couple days ago from a photo reference of my time on the boat this past summer. This guy had the right idea, up to his ankles in the water that felt like a spa on a 90 degree day.....I'm going to wish I saved all these summer pics in the middle of February but I can't help myself, I miss summer already!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Yellow Chair in the Surf

6x6 oil on panel $50 click here to buy

6x6 oil on panel $50 click here to buy

This is a painting from a photo I took this summer at the beach. I don't why this light chair didn't get tossed away by the waves, but it looked like a lovely place to just sit and enjoy the day....The owner must not be far off, as she left her hat behind! The other painting from today was this seagull. There was hudreds on the beach that day, but when I went to take a picture, this one just stared at me like "I dare you!"

Here's how they might looked framed. These are Randy Higbee frames, he has an incredible selection of frames, including "floater" frames and you just pop in the painting, no expert framing necessary. His website is called King of Frames. I also use American Frame here in Ohio, I like that you can view the painting in any frame on their website before you buy, just copy the image to your computer and upload it on their site. Here is their website

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hidden Pepper

I went out to take pictures of the rapidly fading flowers and gardens and I found this red ripe pepper hiding among the otherwise empty garden....I had to paint it, of course. I think I'll pick it and put it in a still life with lighter objects, this one just isn't working for me! However, If it works for you, it can be yours for the low low price of $30. 6x6 oil on panel, click here to purchase. The frame is a Randy Higbee frame and can be purchased separately by going to his website

Monday, August 22, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year....

Ok, at the risk of offending some, (as I clearly did on Facebook earlier today) I can't tell you how excited I am that the kids are going back to school. I have 4 children, one with autism who graduated but is seeking out his first job, one that just started college, one in high school AND college (Mr. Smartypants) and one in Jr. High. I love them all dearly and enjoyed my time with them this summer. HOWEVER....anyone that tries to work at home knows how difficult it can be with all the interruptions. I said in my title "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the YEEAARRRRR....."

Ok, celebration done. The junior higher is still at home, but I did manage to finish a painting I started on my Staycation. When I was painting it on the boat I knew the values were all off, so today I took the photo of it and turned it black and white so I could just deal with value. I had no color reference, except for memory of the day, and it was very very difficult. However, I do feel that I stayed true to the values, and that is a big plus for me, I tend to make everything too dark and intense.....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Palette Knife Therapy

This is a painting I painted a few months ago, and I just wasn't feeling it. I like painting large flowers, particularly irises, but after my 2nd go at it, I decided to put it aside and try again on a later day....That day was yesterday, and I threw all caution to the wind and pulled out the pallette was fun! I highly recommend palette knife therapy whenever you get into a rut...pull out an overworked painting and just have a go at it....nothing to lose but a little bit o paint!