Well, I'm trying to wrap up a few unfinished paintings that I've been putting off....One of them is a beach scene from this summer, and the other is a dog commission that has been the bane of my existence this summer....sigh.....
Meantime, I've been working on my studio in the barn trying to winterize it, paint it, and make it suitable for painting in year round as well as showcase my completeted works.....I've attached a sneak peek of the back 1/3 of the studio, which is going to be a "mini" gallery of sorts.....I'm going to carpet the small area in the back, line the entire back and right walls with paneling for hanging finished works, and hang moulding/shelves on the left for finsihed/drying art.....the other 2/3 of the studio will be work space and hoarding/supply space....pics to come....I painted the left wall a blue to see if It would work but it tends to lend a blueish cast to everything....any thoughts on a color other than nuetral gray or white?????